Welcome to Park & Fly Zagreb

How To Buy

Thank you for your interest in Park and Fly Zagreb. We would like to take this opportunity to explain the process of becoming an owner.

SIPA Group SA has been appointed sole sales channel and can be contacted by:

Rialto International ApS is the sole contractual counterpart and it is with them that you will sign your contract and transfer the purchase amount to. They can be contacted by:

Rialto International ApS maintain their client bank account with Ringkjøbing Landbobank, Denmark


1) Contact SIPA Group.
2) Request contracts – ensure you fully understand them. Rialto International will appear as the counterpart.
3) Return the signed contract to Rialto International.
4) Transfer the purchase amount to the client bank account of Rialto International at Ringkjøbing Landbobank.

Rialto International and Park and Fly Zagreb will keep you informed of important information related to your investment.

If you have any questions, you are also welcome to contact us directly by email (info@parkandflyzagreb.com).

We look forward to welcoming you as an owner in Park & Fly Zagreb. 

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